
We are the Evans Family from Florence, SC, and the Lord has called us to serve Him as foreign missionaries in Sierra Leone, West Africa! After eighteen years of working in the construction business, Shaun accepted the burden which God placed for full-time ministry. Our family is just an ordinary, everyday, American family desiring to accomplish the extraordinary through service to our Savior via taking the Gospel message to those with little access. We have a passion to connect our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ–and the resources that belong to Him–with His plan of reaching every creature with the Good News of Jesus Christ

Sierra Leone is a harvest field that must be reached while the window of opportunity is open. We all share in this ultimate responsibility and it is no accident that you are on our website. It our desire to partner with you in this mission as your representatives on the field. The question is: How will you respond?

What’s Happening in Sierra Leone?

God is doing amazing things in Sierra Leone right now, and we need to capitalize upon this very real opportunity before the door closes! Although this country is dominated by Islam and animism, the people of Sierra Leone are very receptive to the Gospel. Numerous lost souls are turning from their false religions and placing their faith in Christ each year!

We are currently working in conjunction with veteran missionaries as we adapt to the culture and learn how to minister effectively to the people of Sierra Leone. This multi-faceted, established ministry consists of more than a dozen local church plants (pastored by nationals), several Christian elementary schools, and a Bible Institute. It also plays a significant role in the training of national military chaplains with an annual leadership conference.

Even with this foundation, there still remains much work to be done in Sierra Leone (estimated population – 8 million). In effectively working together with our team, we will continue to advance the Gospel message, make disciples that reproduce and bear fruit, and plant more local New Testament churches in an effort to impact this small country in West Africa!